Bhopal: While celebrating International Yoga Day, Madhya Pradesh Chief Minister Dr Mohan Yadav made a particular statement on Friday that the teachings about Lord Ram and Lord Krishna are to be included in the school and higher education curriculum of Madhya Pradesh. He voiced this during a state-level celebration held for Yoga Day in the capital city of Bhopal. After this, his reaction, the Congress party reacted through former Chief Minister Digvijay Singh, where he clarified that Lord Ram and Lord Krishna are iconographic figures and their ideals should definitely constitute part of education in schools. But he also wanted the knowledge about the religious tutors of other religions to be imparted as well.

After attending the Yoga Day ceremony, when the CM interacted with the media, Mr Mohan Yadav pointed out that the state government has initiated two projects concerning the tracks of Lord Ram and Krishna in MP. The majority of these areas have been chosen by the government to be built around Lord Ram and Lord Krishna’s travels and turn into pilgrimage centres.

To the statements of CM Yadav, the ex-Chief Minister of Madhya Pradesh, Digvijay Singh replied that teachings related to Ram and Krishna should be taught in society for people to learn. He went on to point out to the indispensability of the teachings from other religious gurus as well as Lord Ram, and Lord Krishna. For his part, speaking with EBC News Before the actual elections, Singh stressed that religious teachings about Guru Nanak, Jesus, and Mohammed should also be studied in school. He expressed his views regarding the suggestions and principles that saints from various religions should convey.

Discussions regarding integrating religious teachings into curricula remain an emergent issue and a topic that invites discussions about the relationship between cultural pasts and secular education in India. Throughout the discussions about religious diversity in schools, stakeholders debate over how various religions and their teachings can be incorporated into the system and how people of different faiths can be accepted and treated equally.

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