Bhopal: An unusual case has popped up in Madhya Pradesh in which the suspension order of the CMO was immediately rescinded within 72 hours. However, the Commissioner was disappointed at the conduct of the employees and has since directed that a departmental inquiry be conducted. The Rajdhani dairy issue revolves around corruption and fraudulent charges labelled against Ramashankar Sharma, Morena’s CMO.

The malpractice allegations were made when the council convened regarding irregularities in procurement, more so in payment to employees. After cases of misbehaviour were identified in the probe, On June 18, the Urban Administration Department Deputy Commissioner relieved Ramashankar Sharma from his service.

But on June 21st, to the utter surprise of the employees of the Urban Administration Department, the commissioner had to withdraw the order. They have now replaced it by holding a departmental investigation into the matter. Documents obtained by point to the fact that the CMO had allegedly been involved in frauding the company by offering to purchase Company items at exorbitant prices. In the past, the CMO was willing to ‘split’ his purchases below one lakh rupees to avoid going ‘above’ the amount for which an e-tender was necessary.

This development has been controversial as it has put into question the administration’s paralysis and has ably pointed to some of the huge questions that surround the issues of government responsibility and transparency on procedures. The hint taken by the government by unbending the suspension order and, consequently, introducing a departmental inquiry means the severity of the allegations and the investigation requirement.

The case has also revolved around protecting measures against corruption within organizational divisions, particularly in the government. The future of Latczak still remains uncertain, and what actions have been planned following the departmental inquiry still remains in the air.

The case highlights the difficulties in exercising professionalism and upholding ethical principles with equal vigour in the public sector, especially concerning procurement and financial issues. It also stresses the need for healthy control systems or tracking such costs for law and ethicality in governance.

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