Jabalpur: A class-9 student was allegedly raped by a class-12 student in Jabalpur, sources said on Saturday. The incident occurred at an eatery Café and Restaurant situated in Vijay Nagar locality of the city. According to the reports, the girl, 15, had met the accused on a social media site. Both of them became friends and started chatting. Later, they started meeting at a café.

The girl, in her complaint to police, claimed that the accused on November 6th asked her to meet at the café they usually used to meet. When she reached there, the accused took her to another café on the pretext of eating Manchurian, the girl claimed. She added that the accused raped her.

A few days later, he again raped her. The girl, a resident of the Kotwali police station area, lodged a complaint. Kotwali police said that a case was registered and the case diary was later transferred to Vijay Nagar police station for further investigation.