Jabalpur: A 38-year-old man was allegedly stabbed to death by three persons after he objected to one of them talking to his minor daughter in Madhya Pradesh’s Jabalpur city, police said on Thursday. The victim Basant Patel was stabbed to death after he objected to one of the accused Abhishek (18) talking to his 14-year-old daughter in Brij Mohan Nagar locality on Wednesday night, Gorakhpur Police Station in-charge Brijbhan Singh said.

The three accused Abhishek alias Naman, his father Rajaram (45) and Aditya (19) fled the scene after attacking the victim, he said, adding that efforts are on to arrest them, he said. The victim sustained multiple injuries in his abdomen and died en route to a hospital, the official added. Shortly after the police left, a fight broke out between Basant and some youths. The youths inflicted several knife wounds on Basant. He died on the spot due to excessive bleeding. Tension prevailed in the area after the incident. Basant was associated with a political party.