Bhopal: Ladli Behna beneficiaries in Madhya Pradesh will be very happy. Today is the 20th installment, which has been launched under Labli Behna Yojana. Chief Minister Dr. Mohan Yadav will transfer funds to the beneficiaries’ accounts through a function at Kalapipal situated in the Shajapur district.

Under this installment, ₹ 1250 will be transferred directly to each eligible woman’s account. In all, ₹1,553 crore will go to 1.27 crore women across the state in their accounts. This aspect has the primary goal of extending financial support and enabling women under the Ladli Behna Yojana, which has brought many changes to the lives of families in Madhya Pradesh.

Besides, as many as 55 lakh beneficiaries will get ₹335 crore under the Social Security Pension Scheme to provide social security to beneficiaries. In addition, 26 lakh women will Avail of the Monetary Benefit of ₹27 crore for LPG Cylinder refills, which will help those families affected by the high fuel price hikes.

The event in Kalapipal is scheduled for 1:30 PM and will involve many beneficiaries as well as officials. The Ladli Behna Yojana was introduced by the state government and has emerged as the leading technique in its endeavour to empower women by regularly rewarding them with money.

This installment once again assures the Madhya Pradesh government’s policies and programs on the uplift of women in the state. The scheme not only guarantees financial relief but also strives to enhance the quality of life of women and their dependents. The disbursement of the money shows the commitment of the state to improving the lives of the suppressed women due to socioeconomic challenges.

With this step, the government of Madhya Pradesh remains cautious in the process of building up the protection and support system for women who need to become more economically independent.

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