Raisen: A 35-year-old jeweller allegedly poisoned his wife and two minor sons before killing himself over a financial crisis in Madhya Pradesh’s Raisen district, police said on Tuesday. The incident took place in Badi town of the district on the intervening night of Monday and Tuesday, an official said. The jeweller’s wife and elder son have died, while the younger son is battling for his life and has been referred to Bhopal for treatment, he said.

In the suicide note recovered in a notebook of one of the kids from the scene, Jitendra Soni claimed that he had suffered losses in his jewellery business and a land dispute in the family was not getting resolved because of a court case, which he was taking the extreme step of his own will, additional superintendent of police (ASP) Amrit Meena said.

Jitendra first poisoned his wife Rinki (32) and two sons and then hanged himself in the room, the official said. Jitendra, Rinki and their elder son Vaishnav (12) died, while the younger son Kartik (10) is battling for his life, he said. The family members of the deceased are not in a position to speak at present, he said.