Bhopal: Madhya Pradesh government is gearing up to introduce a policy for providing permanent fixed compensation in rural areas adjacent to National Parks, Tiger Reserves, and Wildlife Sanctuaries to mitigate the losses incurred due to wild animals in agriculture. The proposed policy, akin to the PM Kisan Samman Nidhi, could potentially allocate funds to farmers based on the agricultural season.

The Forest Department has prepared a proposal for this policy and submitted it to the state government. For the implementation of this policy, amendments may be required in the Madhya Pradesh Land Revenue Code (MPLRC). According to the proposed policy, amendments in MPLRC would specifically address the provision of compensation in case of agricultural losses, requiring modification only if the damage reaches 25% or more.

According to the Forest Department, in the state, an average of 50 people succumb to attacks by aggressive carnivores each year, with approximately 1500 people sustaining injuries. However, it is the herbivorous animals, particularly herbivorous wild animals, that cause significant damage to crops, and there is currently no provision for compensation for such losses. This has led farmers to resort to measures like installing electric fences, creating a conflict zone not only between wildlife and humans but also endangering domesticated animals.

The need for this compensation policy arises from the economic impact on farmers who face substantial crop losses due to wildlife intrusion. The proposed compensation, if approved, would offer relief to farmers affected by herbivorous animal attacks, creating a balance between wildlife conservation and agricultural sustainability.

The government’s initiative aims to address the escalating human-wildlife conflict, promoting coexistence while safeguarding the economic interests of the farming community. The Forest Department’s proposal represents a step towards recognizing and mitigating the challenges faced by farmers living in close proximity to protected wildlife areas in Madhya Pradesh. The potential amendments in MPLRC reflect a proactive approach to finding practical solutions for sustainable agriculture and wildlife conservation.

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