Bhopal: However, the government has started taking measures to please senior BJP leader and former minister Gopal Bhargava, who recently vented his anger on social media, which has become a headache for the ruling dispensation. As a result, the state’s two Deputy Chief Ministers, Jagdish Devda and Rajendra Shukla, along with two ministers, Rao Uday Pratap Singh, Minister of Transport & School Education and Lakhan Patel, Minister of Animal Husbandry, paid a visit to Gopal Bhargava’s residence in Bhopal to address the problem.

The leaders began to take a turn and explain why he was dissatisfied with Bhargava. They complained that he should not record such messages on social media since the opposition could then use them against the government. Even such a meeting would cause some controversy, and when Gopal Bhargava described the event, he said that it had been a ‘routine visit.’

Rao Uday Pratap Singh, who also reacted to the meeting, observed, “I went to have tea with him. This means that we have a mutual cooperation of more than 40 years.” Lakhan Patel further said, “He is ML from the other distractive; therefore, I went to meet him politely.”

This is not the first time that BJP has used the tactics to handle internal dissent. Two days ago the party called three MLAs—Pradeep Patel from Mauganj, Pradeep Laria from Narayawali, and Brij Bihari Pateria from Deori—informed them in the BJP office because they are to vocal. Later, Pradeep Laria and Brij Bihari Pateria, BJP state president VD Sharma, CM Dr Mohan Yadav state in-charge Dr Mahendra Singh and co-in-charge Satish Upadhyay had a strict talk. But Pradeep Patel has not come to Bhopal yet.

Since Gopal Bhargava was senior to the two ministers, the government became more conciliatory. Actually, it offered the two Deputy Chief Ministers and two ministers to go and offer an explanation to him.

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