Damoh: SP Sunil Tiwari has announced a reward of Rs. 35,000 on seven absconding accused individuals in the Ganga Jamuna school case, with a lookout notice also being issued to facilitate their arrest. This move comes after previous steps were taken to attach the suspects’ properties and freeze their bank accounts to prevent any financial transactions.

ASP Sandeep Mishra revealed that a reward of Rs. 5,000 each has been assigned to the seven absconding accused in the case. This follows an earlier declaration of rewards for four fugitives. The SP has extended this reward initiative to cover a total of seven suspects. Any person who successfully apprehends these absconding individuals or provides valuable information leading to their capture will be entitled to claim the reward.

The Ganga Jamuna School came under scrutiny due to allegations involving Hindu girl students being compelled to wear hijabs, conversion efforts, and forced teaching of Namaz. This controversy sparked statewide discussions and prompted a case against the school management members. However, they managed to evade arrest, until now. The newly appointed SP, Sunil Tiwari, has taken decisive action in advancing this case.

In June of the previous year, the school gained notoriety for incidents surrounding Hindu girl students wearing hijabs. Subsequently, Hindu organizations submitted memorandums, and the National Child Protection Commission Chairman initiated an inquiry. Following the directives of the chief minister and home minister, a case was registered against 11 members of the school management.

The district administration, along with the GST team, promptly sealed three establishments linked to the Ganga Jamuna firm. As of now, three accused individuals connected to the case remain in custody. The ongoing efforts by law enforcement highlight the commitment to resolving this complex matter and bringing the absconding accused to justice.