Jabalpur: Another fake accident FIR case in a bid to fraudulently receive insurance money has been reported in Jabalpur, Madhya Pradesh. It took place in the operational area of the Ranjhi police station: to date, law enforcement officers have filed an FIR against two people and launched an investigation.
The case started on June 16, 2024, when Lal Singh Lodhi, a shopkeeper of Gauri Ghat Poli Pathar, Ranjhi, filed a written complaint to the police station Ranjhi. He stated that on one occasion, while he was riding a motorcycle with registration number MP 20 MN 0304 with his friend, who was a labourer on the pillion, they were approached by another bike with registration number MP 20 NR 9175 at Shanti Nagar and they accede of Collision. Lal Singh further said that he and his friend sustained injuries as per this fabricated story to get insurance claiming out of the so-called accident.
Nevertheless, the insurance company to which the salvage concerned belonged felt that something malicious was wrong with the case and passed information to higher officials seeking an inquiry. When the realities of the inquiry were exposed, clear gaps were revealed. The court came to know that the contractor named Lal Singh had fabricated the news and registered a fake FIR to get insurance money.
When they dug closer, it emerged that a private underwriting company covered the bike with which the accident was allegedly involved. Police could not establish the presence of the alleged accident as alleged by the claimant. When police asked the owner of the above car, he flatly dismissed any involvement in any such incident.
The insurance company’s doubts and investigation have uncovered the falsehood. Police have now filed the complaint and have gone deeper in the investigation into the matter. It shows that there must be checks on fraudulent claims and elaborates on how ethical practices are important in the insurance business.
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