Bhopal: The Food Department in Bhopal has taken major action against a restaurant for violating food safety norms. The Food Safety Administration (FSA) has canceled the license of Bawarchi restaurant located on Hoshangabad Road.

The FSA team conducted an inspection of the restaurant on July 27, 2023. During the inspection, the team found several violations of food safety norms. These violations included; storing food in unhygienic conditions, using expired food ingredients, not maintaining proper temperature of cooked food, and not having a proper sewage disposal system

The FSA team also found that the restaurant was not following the prescribed safety standards for handling food. For example, the staff was not wearing proper gloves and hairnets.

Based on these violations, the FSA team has canceled the license of Bawarchi restaurant. The restaurant has been given 15 days to appeal the decision.

This is the second time in the past few months that the FSA has taken action against a restaurant in Bhopal for violating food safety norms. In May 2023, the FSA had canceled the license of a popular restaurant in the city for similar violations.

The FSA has warned that it will take strict action against any restaurant that is found to be violating food safety norms. The agency has also urged people to report any restaurants that they suspect are violating these norms.

The cancellation of the license of Bawarchi restaurant is a welcome step by the FSA. It sends a strong message to other restaurants in the city that they will be held accountable for violating food safety norms. This will help to ensure that the food served in restaurants in Bhopal is safe for consumption.

The cancellation of the license of Bawarchi restaurant is also a reminder to people to be careful about the restaurants they eat at. It is important to do your research before you eat at a restaurant, and to be aware of the signs of a restaurant that is not following food safety norms. If you have any concerns about a restaurant, you should report them to the FSA.