Khandwa: A shocking incident has emerged in Khandwa, where five people have escaped the police station by breaking the grills. These five suspects had been arrested due to their connection with the motorcycle theft cases prevailing in the region. They were brought up for asking at the Moghat Police station, where they managed to escape. These suspects were in the corridor and not the lockup, as charges were yet to be filed against them.

This incident took place at 3 AM in the morning when these suspects broke the grill and escaped. Police apprehended them from different locations in the city, which was possible with the help of suspicions of motorcycle theft in the area. After that, police bought them to ask more about their theft racket, but the five suspects managed to flee from the scene.

The ASP Mahendra Tarnekar, these five men named Sony, Bunty, Abhishek, and two others, were caught due to the suspicion of vehicle theft. When police started questioning, they were not able to receive the required details as the suspects didn’t say anything regarding their rackets, so they sat down in the corridor of the station.

One of them managed to go to the bathroom, where they broke the grill and escaped. The police have now started a search operation to recapture them, and a search operation for the same is also underway. ASP also said that necessary disciplinary actions would be taken against the police personnel who were present at the station when this scene took place.

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