Indore: Indore Zonal Unit of Directorate of Revenue Intelligence (DRI) arrested a smuggler with 3.33 kg of gold while taking action in Raipur on Wednesday. The team of DRI has recovered this gold from the railway station with the help of Raipur unit and RPF. According to the Indore Zonal Unit, the smuggler was going from Kolkata to Nagpur with gold. The smuggler had hidden 20 gold biscuits inside a cloth belt on his waist. The total value of the recovered gold is Rs 1.65 crore.

The smuggler has also been arrested under the Customs Act, of 1962 by confiscating the gold biscuits. In the preliminary investigation, the DRI has come to know about the smuggling gang. The intelligence agency has identified five people of the gang. These smuggling syndicates a huge quantity of gold of foreign origin for which payment has been made through hawala channels. The DRI team also left for Bengal for investigation and is carrying out the action.

According to sources, foreign gold is being brought into India by crossing the border from Bangladesh. The gold is sent through jewellers to the big cities of the country and is consumed in the form of jewellery. The smuggler who has been caught was also going to give gold to jewellers in Maharashtra. In the ongoing financial year, officials of the Indore Zonal Unit of DRI have seized gold, silver, smuggled cigarettes and electronic cigarettes of foreign origin, smuggled electronics goods, cash earned from the sale besides about 8,300 kg of ganja in various operations.