Shivpuri: In Madhya Pradesh, there was chaos at several places during the voting yesterday, while allegations of tampering with EVMs have emerged on the other side. On Friday night at 10 PM near Gurudwara Chowk in Shivpuri city, Congress workers seized a Bolero car filled with an EVM machine. This led to a commotion at the scene. Congress activists had accused the Sector Magistrate of influencing the election. 

The Sector Magistrate claimed that the machine in the vehicle was empty. Before depositing it, he had gone to a hotel to have dinner. As the dispute escalated, the Additional District Magistrate (ADM), Tehsildar, and a heavy police force arrived at the scene. The controversy continued on the road for about one and a half hours.

After about one and a half hours of commotion, the Bolero vehicle and the Sector Magistrate were somehow removed from the scene. However, Congress workers reached the location where the EVM machine was supposed to be deposited, which was Polytechnic College. There, they demanded action to be taken. After about two o’clock in the night, when the Bolero with the EVM machine was given police protection, the matter was resolved somewhere. 

Please note that the situation was diffused after the commotion continued for about one and a half hours, and somehow, the Bolero vehicle and the Sector Magistrate were removed from the scene. However, Congress workers proceeded to the designated location for the EVM machine deposit, Polytechnic College, where they demanded further action. The situation was eventually resolved when the Bolero with the EVM machine received police protection around 2 AM.

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