Bhopal: Addressing the official function of the PWD, Chief Minister Dr. Mohan Yadav also started the Lok Path mobile app today, also known as the Pothole Reporting App. It means that through this app, the general public has been given the option to report damaged roads easily through the click of a button. On the occasion, the Chief Minister was keen to point out that the PWD has embarked on great work for society. He added that the department is responsible for overseeing the operations of 40,000 kilometers of roads across the state, adding that in case of any pothole, they are quickly addressed.

Speaking of new technology, the Chief Minister stated that such a move would create new avenues for growth. He challenged the department to act proactively on the wide network of roads so that citizens do not have to forward photographs for actions to be taken. The minister of public works, Rakesh Singh, sought to assure the public that the department was hard at work dutifully serving the public; this came along with the promise of better infrastructure. He further endeavored to point out that a better road network is easier for development to access.

It is for this reason that the Lok Path app not only enables fast repair of potholes but also improves the citizen interface. Nonetheless, it organizes both road information and management systems, which contribute to increased safety and enhanced traffic flow, thus demonstrating that the attainment of convenience is an important step to follow.

The public’s response to the launch of the process was positive, as they were grateful for the government’s attempt to take the initiative concerning maintaining structures that belong to the public. This has made it easier for the citizens to contribute enthusiastically to improving the quality and safety of roads. This collaborative effort is forecasted to greatly enhance the general advancement and effectiveness of transport systems in the region.

Thus, using the Lok Path app to manage public works is significant in developing good governance in the delivery of public services. It further reveals the government’s steadfast determination towards the utilization of technology in basic infrastructure development to accomplish inclusive growth in society and to provide safer roads for the people.

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