Bhopal: Madhya Pradesh CM Dr Mohan Yadav has started drafting the plan for the state’s development and public well-being, stating his idea of moving forward. The CM, Dr Yadav, called a meeting for key officials right after the Lok Sabha elections to give directives. He had a meeting with the Chief Secretary and the Principal Secretary of the Finance Department. He emphasized the significance of clear directives and executing the development and welfare projects faithfully over the next five years.

While the meeting was being addressed, CM Dr Mohan Yadav prepared his vision for the arrival of varied developmental projects in the next years. Conversely, policy formulation saw a larger share of the debate linked to doubling the Gross State Domestic Product (GSDP) in the next five years. This far-reaching plan wants the government to find ways to diversify its income sources. Heavy mining revenue generation amounting to ₹50,000 crore is the major aim targeted by regular mining and such activities. He drew the line by stressing the necessity to convert the poorly performing assets owned by the state but situated in other places into efficient sources of income and profit.

Moreover, regional urban development and systematic expansion of new regional areas alongside financial growth for the country were focused on by the Honorable Chief Minister Dr Mohan Yadav. The practical and methodological considerations of proper organization and implementation of urban development projects have helped improve planning and management. The objective is to achieve constructive urbanization, whereby the state grows economically and its inhabitants attain higher living standards.

Dr. Yadav is building up expertise in development, which happens to be wide-range, covering economic development, physical infrastructures, and much more. The state aims to double its GSDP to improve its economic well-being and that of its inhabitants. The government’s decision to improve revenue by licenses and assets belonging to the state has been identified as a smart move to stabilize the nation’s financial future.

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