Bhopal: With the forthcoming Madhya Pradesh Assembly elections just a few months away it is evident that both the Congress and BJP are putting in great effort and leaving no aspect unattended in order to ensure their careful planning and preparations are thorough and comprehensive. While the Congress and BJP engage in fierce preparations, the BJP is focusing on its organizational mobilization to secure a strong foothold in the upcoming elections. To bolster its media presence, the BJP has strategically deployed three national spokespersons for effective media management in Madhya Pradesh.

The responsibility of managing the media affairs in the state has been entrusted to Gaurav Bhatia, Guru Prakash Paswan, and Prem Shukla, who will serve as in-charges of MP Media until the assembly elections. The central media team of the BJP has assigned this crucial task to the national spokespersons, aiming to establish seamless communication between the central and state media teams.

Regular virtual meetings will be held between the central and state media teams to discuss daily issues. The objective is to identify national issues that can be raised in Madhya Pradesh and also determine significant state-specific matters that should be highlighted at the national level. To facilitate this process, a dedicated group for issue screening will be established within the media team of Madhya Pradesh. The members of this group will meticulously select and prioritize the everyday issues to be addressed.

In the organizational structure, Gaurav Bhatia has been stationed in Bhopal as the headquarters’ representative for the past month, focusing on election-related activities. Prem Shukla has been assigned to Indore, while Guru Prakash Paswan will be stationed in Gwalior. Additionally, a spokesperson from Madhya Pradesh will be stationed in key cities such as Sagar, Jabalpur, and Rewa to ensure effective communication throughout the state.

By deploying national spokespersons and implementing a systematic media management strategy, the BJP aims to strengthen its media presence, effectively convey its message to the public, and secure a competitive advantage in the upcoming Madhya Pradesh Assembly elections.