The Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) has deployed its full force to break the stronghold of former Chief Minister Kamal Nath in Gwalior. Just today, the Mayor of Chhindwara, Vikram Ahake, switched allegiance to the BJP. Meanwhile, there’s a significant revelation from sources indicating another blow to Kamal Nath in Chhindwara. It’s reported that another close associate of Kamal Nath from the Congress is in contact with the BJP. There’s speculation that Congress legislators might soon join the BJP. The BJP is determined to win the Chhindwara seat in the 2024 Lok Sabha elections at any cost, and they are leaving no stone unturned to achieve this goal. CM Dr. Mohan Yadav himself has become active, recently stating that Chhindwara is not a fortress of Congress; rather, there’s chaos within the Congress here.

This morning, Vikram Ahake, who is considered very close to Kamal Nath and Nakul Nath, joined the BJP in the presence of Chief Minister Dr. Mohan Yadav and BJP state president V.D. Sharma. Along with them, several other Congress officials also joined the BJP. It’s noteworthy that recently, after winning the elections for the third time in 2023, Kamal Nath’s very close associate and Amarwada MLA Kamlesh Shah resigned from the party. Kamlesh Shah has joined the BJP in Bhopal. He was welcomed by CM Mohan Yadav and state president V.D. Sharma as a member.

The political landscape in Madhya Pradesh is witnessing significant shifts as key figures are crossing party lines, indicating a substantial realignment of political forces. The BJP’s aggressive maneuvers in Chhindwara, once considered a stronghold of Kamal Nath, underscore their determination to expand their influence in the state. With prominent leaders switching sides, the political dynamics in Madhya Pradesh are poised for a major transformation ahead of the upcoming elections.

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