On Monday, the Kerala Assembly was suspended for the day due to a protest by K M embedded in Speaker O Rajagopal’s heated argument between Chief Minister Pinarayi Vijayan and Leader of Opposition V D Satheesan. Trouble erupted in the assembly session as the members of the opposition party of UDF protested against the chief minister and charged the speaker, A N Shamseer and also unfurled a banner that covered the speaker’s view. Chief minister Vijayan highly condemned This act of protest for VP of opposition to disrupt the sittings.

Usually, the Speaker of the Kerala Assembly can restrain the sessions, but in this case, he had to experience some problems keeping order among the members, which was especially aggravated by the fact that the Congress-led UDF members seemed to be not eager to sit down after they were ordered to do that. The mood in the House had already taken a turn when the government decided to withdraw its own motion on the UDF’s adjournment notice on the alleged comments made by the Chief Minister on Malappuram.

The sittings of the day started with the opposition bench venting their anger over the decision to convert 49-starred questions into non-starred ones in front of Speaker Shamseer. The UDF stayed away from the question hour but re-emerged before zero hour. However, the peace was interrupted when Leader of Opposition Sathesan tried to counter the remarks made by the Chief Minister and Parliamentary Affairs Minister MB Rajesh, who responded on behalf of the CM. He also complained over the Chair’s ruling to have his words deleted from the House Hansard while those of the Chief Minister and Minister stood to be retained.

The verbal war between the chief minister, Vijayan, and the leader of the Opposition, Satheesan, resulted in stronger accusations against one another. The parliamentary affairs minister tried to explain that it was not targeting the LoP, and because of his earlier comments, the opposition got provocative and protested in the House. Therefore, the Speaker dismissed the Assembly.

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