On Wednesday, the Janata Dal (United) unit in Manipur announced its decision to end backing of Biren Singh’s BJP-led state government. The news agency report shows the move follows ongoing political transformations within Manipur’s party structure. Md Abdul Nasir will join the opposition ranks according to JD(U)’s latest decision.

Despite losing its backing, the Biren Singh administration demonstrates strong political standing. BJP’s 37 assembly seats give them dominance, while support from five NPFs and three independent MLAs strengthens their position. The government remains firmly in control because of a large enough majority of supporters, even though JD(U) has backed out.

State JD(U) leader Ksh Biren Singh officially notified Governor Ajay Kumar Bhalla about why his party left. He revealed that JD(U) presented six candidates in the 2022 state elections, and five won elected office but then joined the BJP. The Speaker’s Tribunal must now hear the case of JD(U)’s defected MLAs who await judgment under the Tenth Schedule of India’s Constitution. After joining the National Democratic Alliance (NDA), the leader confirmed that JD(U) had terminated its public support for the BJP government. At the final assembly session, Speaker Md Abdul Nasir received official permission to take his seat in opposition.

Since its first Election in 2000, the JD(U) party has won six seats with 12% voter support during Manipur’s 2022 Assembly Elections. After recent party leader departures and new partnership arrangements, JD(U) has moved to different politics.

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