An accused in several land-grabbing cases in Goa, who had been on the run from the police for the past four years, escaped from police custody on Friday morning with the apparent help of a police constable. The incident occurred at around 2:30 am at the Crime Branch facility, informed the Superintendent of Police (Crime Branch), Rahul Gupta.

Siddiquie Suleman Khan, 55 years of age, was arrested from the Ghodawat Mills area in Ajmer on November 12 by a special investigation team of the Crime Branch. He was sought after in relation to three cases of land grabbing and had been a proclaimed offender as he had been on the run for four and a half years. Khan was in the Crime Branch custody for the last 30 days before he escaped from the scene.

Indian SP Gupta revealed that an IRB constable, Amit Naik, was involved in Khan’s escape. According to the information, Naik obviously opened the lock-up and escaped along with Khan on his motorcycle. After the incident, an FIR was registered at Old Goa police station, and all the borders of the state have been closed so that the accused cannot escape to other parts of the region.

The investigation to nab the accused is still ongoing; Goa police have roped in the police of other neighboring states for the search. “The best efforts are being made to locate not only the accused but the constable involved in the same as well. Capture has been their domineering focus across all the resources,” Gupta noted.

Furthermore, a thorough investigation has been conducted to find out how such improper conduct was carried out. Senior officials are to receive a report that will recommend action that will lead to the demotion of the constable involved. The case has been charged with controversy regarding the enforcement of internal security measures and embezzlement by law enforcement agencies, hence prompting the need for much vigilance and scrutiny in handling such a prestigious offender.

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