Four employees on Saturday night died of suffocation after inhaling toxic gas at a chemical plant at Dahej in Gujarat, as per the report filed by the local police. The accident took place at the Gujarat Fluorochemicals Limited company’s plant in the Bharuch district. The victims inhaled toxic fumes which emanated from a pipe at the plant, and this resulted in their becoming unconscious.
The leakage of the gas was reported around 10 in the evening when the employees of the plant were working within the production area of the building. He and his two companions were immediately rushed to a private hospital in Bharuch for a medical checkup. However, three of the workers died at the scene, and the fourth breathed its last at about 6.00 am on Sunday after being found to have inhaled poisonous gas earlier in the day at about 3.00 am.
The leakage was said to have occurred from a pipe that passed through the ground floor of the company’s CMS plant with dangerous chemical vapours in it. Law enforcement agencies have carried out their probes with a view of establishing why there was leakage and how they can prevent any similar event from occurring in the future.
An autopsy has been conducted on the corpses of the deceased workers to ascertain the precise cause of the deadly demise. Police are still investigating the circumstances which led to the release of the gas in the plant. On the other hand, the company known as GFL has offered its condolences to the families of the workers and has offered assistance to the investigators conducting the investigation.
This sad experience clearly underlines the risks connected with using industrial chemical plants and the need for extra precautions in order to avoid catastrophes like this in the future. More information will be released during the ongoing investigation.
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