Maharashtra Chief Minister Devendra Fadnavis on Tuesday assured of strict action in the sarpanch Santosh Deshmukh murder case in Beed district, and said that “nobody will be spared” and declared that “gunda raj” will not be tolerated. Introducing the probe, Fadnavis, while interacting with reporters, said that he had met the deceased senior cop’s brother and promised to get justice for him. The sarpanch of Massajog village, namely Deshmukh, was kidnapped, tortured, and then killed brutally on December 9 for resisting the tendency of the accused to extort money from a windmill company.
“To his brother, I said words to the effect: justice will be done. The police are eager to apprehend all perpetrators, and until the criminals realize that they will receive the strictest penalties, the search will not stop,” Fadnavis said. “No one will be spared. Wrongdoing and demand for ransom will not go unpunished in Maharashtra.”
The case has raised political temperatures in the state, with the main Opposition parties accusing NCP minister Dhananjay Munde of having links with Walmik Karad, a key accused, who surrendered to the Pune police. Karad, whom police had been searching for, was blamed for extorting money from a businessman in a case related to the murder. Four free people have been arrested, of which Karad was declared wanted accused. Fadnavis also rubbished claims of political vendetta by saying that the sole aim was to get justice for the Deshmukh family.
Regardless of the political association in the exercise of this responsibility, whoever is involved will be prosecuted. Fadnavis pointed out that the CID functions independently and is not under any influence from such pressures.
BJP MLA Suresh Dhas appreciated Fadnavis for such actions, saying that such steps from the chief minister prompt Karad to surrender through properties owned by the accused being seized. The police have moved the court for permission to acquire other properties connected with the accused.
Speaking to reporters, Fadnavis said ‘justice will be ensured and Maharashtra will not allow such criminal activities’.
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