New Delhi: The other person who openly displayed indignation over Kejriwal’s arrest was Sunita Kejriwal, the wife of Delhi CM, Arvind Kejriwal, in the case of Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) related to excise policy on Thursday. On social network site X, where she openly vents her anger, she progressed from modifying her usual prayers asking for divine enlightenment for all to a prayer of the destruction of what she called a “dictator”.

“Till now, the prayer has always been that God should give wisdom to everyone. But now the prayer will be that the dictator should be destroyed,” Sunita Kejriwal posted, referring to the actions against her husband.

The previous day, Sunita Kejriwal said that there was a setup that was headed to make the AAP convenor continue his stay in Tihar jail. She explained the series of actions that led to her husband’s arrest, implying that the authorities wanted to keep him in jail. “Arvind Kejriwal got bail on 20th June. Immediately, the Enforcement Directorate (ED) got a stay. The very next day, the CBI made him an accused and today he was arrested. The whole system is trying to ensure that the man does not come out of the jail. This is not law, this is a dictatorship, this is emergency,” she had written.

Delhi’s Rouse Avenue court, which heard the bail petition in CBI custody, ordered Kejriwal to be in CBI custody for three days on Wednesday. During this period, the court also granted his wife’s request to visit him for 30 minutes and allowed his lawyer to visit him every day for the same amount of time. The court also acquiesced to allow him to have prescribed medications during the remand period.

The CBI, through its remand application, made a claim of the need to explore a ‘bigger scam’ in the case of excise policy in order to detain Kejriwal. While presenting the CBI’s argument, it stated that from the said conversation, Kejriwal said that Vijay Nair was in touch with AAP conveners Saurabh Bhardwaj and Atishi.

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