New Delhi: Sudhanshu Trivedi sharply criticized the AAP on Wednesday, accusing Delhi Ex Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal of failing to deliver on 10 key promises made during his tenure. The BJP MP highlighted issues such as live wire safety, 24×7 clean water, and women’s safety as areas where the AAP allegedly fell short.
Addressing a press conference, Trivedi said the Aam Aadmi Party entered politics with a promise of new-age governance but has contradicted its commitments. Highlighting “a crisis of credibility,” he claimed AAP’s actions contradict its claims of transformational governance.
Among the 10 unfulfilled promises, Trivedi mentioned Kejriwal’s vow to provide clean water round-the-clock. “In summers, parts of Delhi faced water shortages, and the supplied water was often odorous,” he remarked. He criticized AAP’s education system, citing a High Court reprimand and dissatisfaction over its management.
Trivedi further pointed out the worsening safety of women under AAP’s governance. Referring to an incident involving party member Swati Maliwal, he alleged, “A party insider faced physical assault at the Chief Minister’s residence, and there was no CCTV footage available for investigation.”
On environmental issues, he said Kejriwal’s promise to clean the Yamuna river remains unmet, as toxic foam still plagues the river. Additionally, the Chief Minister had pledged to address garbage heaps in Delhi, but their height has only increased.
The BJP MP accused AAP of prioritizing advertisements over public welfare during the Covid-19 crisis. “In Mohalla Clinics, the inflated patient numbers revealed corruption, with claims of doctors treating hundreds in mere hours,” Trivedi said. He also blamed AAP for worsening air quality in the capital.
As Delhi heads toward its February 2025 assembly elections, Trivedi urged voters to reflect on these issues, asserting BJP’s track record under Prime Minister Narendra Modi offers a contrast to AAP’s alleged failures.
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