New Delhi: Aam Aadmi Party’s senior leader and Rajya Sabha MP Sanjay Singh observed a fast on Friday, offering prayers to the idol of Bharat Mata inside the jail. He called upon the citizens to unite for the protection of democracy. Simultaneously, people across Singh’s residence, party offices, and the entire nation joined in fasting as part of the Bharat Mata Raksha Sankalp campaign.

MP Sanjay Singh’s commitment to the defense of the nation’s ideals resonated with individuals nationwide. His message from jail emphasized the need for collective efforts to safeguard the integrity of the nation. Singh proposed a symbolic gesture, urging people of all castes and religions to dedicate one day a week for offering prayers to Bharat Mata and observing a fast. This, he believes, would strengthen our resolve and boost national morale.

In his statement, Singh highlighted the pressing issues of inflation, unemployment, misgovernance, and authoritarianism, expressing concern over the nation’s widespread distress. He emphasized the necessity for a resurgence of movements like the JP movement to rescue democracy. The underlying challenges of rising prices, unemployment, corruption, and tyranny have plagued the entire country, creating an urgent need for collective action.

Sanjay Singh’s call for unity in the face of these challenges underscores the importance of citizens’ involvement in shaping the destiny of the nation. His symbolic act of fasting and prayer serves as a rallying point for those who aspire for positive change and a commitment to the principles of democracy. As he continues to advocate for the defense of democracy, Singh’s message resonates not just within the confines of the jail but echoes across the nation, urging people to stand together for a better future.

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