A dispute has arisen between the LG and the Delhi government regarding the closure of the rain shelters near Kashmiri Gate in Delhi’s Dandi Park. Urban Development Minister Saurabh Bhardwaj alleges that the Delhi Urban Shelter Improvement Board (DUSIB) is shutting down rain shelters without government approval. The question arises about whose directive this action is being taken under. Meanwhile, the LG accuses Saurabh of making false statements. According to documents, Minister Saurabh Bhardwaj wrote a letter to DUSIB on December 22, directing them to remove the rain shelters without obtaining approval. He stated that people residing in the rain shelters cannot be evicted in this manner. If DUSIB still needs to remove them, why wasn’t permission sought from the government? If removal was necessary, why wasn’t an alternative arrangement provided for the homeless first? He directed DUSIB to immediately arrange for temporary accommodation for the homeless in the vicinity.

The LG’s sources claim that Minister Saurabh Bhardwaj is diverting attention by making false statements. Sources state that Lieutenant Governor Vikram Saksena, during his visit, had identified deficiencies in Delhi government’s shelter places and instructed their rectification.

The conflicting narratives highlight the ongoing tensions between the Delhi government and the LG over governance issues. The struggle over the closure of rain shelters brings to the forefront the challenges faced by the homeless population in the city.

The accusations and counter-accusations between the LG and the government officials raise questions about the decision-making processes and coordination in addressing issues related to shelter and urban development. As the controversy unfolds, the fate of the rain shelters and the well-being of the affected individuals remain uncertain, underscoring the need for a collaborative and transparent approach in handling such matters.

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