Arvind Kejriwal, the leader of the Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) and the Chief Minister of Delhi, is set to embark on a tour of Gujarat amidst the ongoing suspense surrounding the Enforcement Directorate’s (ED) actions related to the Delhi government’s excise policy. The political atmosphere in the capital is tense, adding to the drama.

During his visit to Gujarat, Kejriwal plans to address party workers at a conference and engage with the public at a rally. In preparation for the upcoming Lok Sabha elections, he is scheduled to stay in Gujarat on the 6th, 7th, and 8th of January. The tour is expected to include meetings with party MLA Chetan Basava, where Kejriwal may discuss various issues, including the ED’s actions.

Apart from the party-related engagements, Kejriwal is slated to meet with Chetan Basava, a party MLA currently in jail for alleged threats to forest workers. The Gujarat tour also includes scheduled interactions with Basava’s family members. Chetan Basava has been incarcerated in connection with a case filed by the Narmada police, accusing him of issuing threats and involvement in firing incidents. Basava had surrendered to the police earlier.

The three-day Gujarat tour will feature Kejriwal addressing party workers at a conference and addressing the public at a rally. Additionally, Kejriwal intends to meet Chetan Basava, the jailed AAP MLA, and engage with his family members during the visit. The political scenario is further intensified by the legal actions against Basava, contributing to the charged atmosphere in Gujarat.

Kejriwal’s visit comes at a crucial juncture, where political tensions, legal proceedings, and the impending Lok Sabha elections create a complex backdrop. The Aam Aadmi Party, under Kejriwal’s leadership, seeks to navigate through these challenges, making the Gujarat tour a significant and closely watched event in the unfolding political narrative.

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