Arvind Kejriwal addressed the national executive meeting of the Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) held on Sunday, emphasizing the party’s commitment to strengthening its organizational presence across the country. Kejriwal highlighted the significance of a robust organization, stating that elections cannot be won without a strong foundation. He declared that the AAP is an integral part of the India United Front and affirmed the party’s determination to contest elections vigorously on the seats allotted in the coalition, aiming to secure victory on all of them.

Speaking during the online session of the 12th National Council and National Executive of AAP, Kejriwal focused on the preparations for the upcoming 2024 general elections and discussed the expansion of the party’s organizational structure. In the course of the meeting, Kejriwal indirectly criticized the BJP, without explicitly naming them, regarding the imprisonment of AAP leaders. He asserted that the AAP has made significant strides over the past 12 years, leading to opponents now addressing issues such as education, healthcare, and employment. Kejriwal expressed confidence in the party’s ability to fight upcoming elections with strength, specifically mentioning the determination to contest the Haryana Legislative Assembly elections robustly.

Kejriwal outlined the necessity of gearing up for the preparations of the Lok Sabha elections, emphasizing the importance of early engagement in the electoral process. He stated that the party would exert its full strength to form the government in the upcoming Haryana Legislative Assembly elections next year. Kejriwal expressed pride in AAP leaders who are currently incarcerated, referring to them as heroes, and emphasized the party’s commitment to fight elections vigorously in their honor.

In conclusion, Kejriwal affirmed AAP’s dedication to building a formidable organization, participating actively in coalition endeavors, and gearing up for electoral battles with strength and determination in various upcoming elections.

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