Arvind Kejriwal, the AAP chief, has accused the BJP of attempting to tamper with the electoral roll in an attempt to rig the upcoming Delhi Assembly elections. In his impassioned speech on Sunday, Kejriwal alleged that the BJP was conducting a secret mission, which they called ‘Operation Lotus,’ to subvert the government in Delhi. He even accused the BJP of planning this operation since December 15 in a bid to tamper with the voter roll so as to manipulate the poll.
Kejriwal, during a press conference, said, “The BJP has already accepted defeat in Delhi. They do not have direction, do not have anyone to present at the chief ministerial level, and lack an attractive candidate. Thinking that if they have to win at all costs, then they can go as low as manipulating the voter’s list.” He also said that the BJP has indulged in making voting deletion and addition through this alleged “Operation Lotus.” Kejriwal said that, in his constituency, New Delhi, the BJP was able to file forms seeking to cancel 5000 votes and acquire 7500 new voters within two weeks. He asked, “Why elections, if you are rigging 12% of the total voters in the assembly?”
Kejriwal drama comes after similar allegations made by Atishi, the Chief Minister of Delhi. Atishi had earlier accused BJP leaders of indulging in vote buying in the New Delhi constituency where Kejriwal is likely to contest in the 2025 polls. She claimed that BJP’s former West Delhi MP Parvesh Sahib Singh Verma was booked over charges of distributing money of voters at his home. The Barakhamba Police station has registered a criminal complaint against Verma for possessing bribes, which he intends to use on the voters to influence the outcome of the election.
It looks like it’s time for Assembly elections in Delhi; the political struggle will begin in early 2025.
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