Delhi police registered an FIR on Saturday after firecrackers were burst outside Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal’s house in Civil Lines, North Delhi. According to The officials, the event occurred soon after Kejriwal’s release from Tihar jail. You will recall that the Delhi High Court released Kejriwal on bail in the corruption case involving Delhi’s excise policy saga after spending more than five months in jail.

Fireworks were set off outside the chief minister’s house when crackers burst, even though the Delhi government has banned the manufacture, sale and use of firecrackers in a bid to curb pollution during winter. Police said an FIR was registered at the Civil Lines Police Station under section 223 of the Bharatiya Nyaya Sanhita against unknown persons for violating the firecracker ban.

Kejriwal’s release came shortly after Supreme Court ruling ordering his release but under certain conditions, including bailing him out. Besides, bail terms require Kejriwal to furnish a bond of ₹10 lakh as a surety for the appearance in the court. Also, he is restricted from speaking to the media on the Delhi excise policy corruption case in any way. He has also been forbidden from coming within five kilometres range of the chief minister’s office or the Delhi Secretariat. He is forbidden to affix his signature upon any documents unless it will be necessary to do so with the Lieutenant Governor’s consent.

In addition, Kejriwal is allowed to attend all sessions of the trial unless otherwise ordered by the trial court. For any changes on any of these conditions, Kejriwal will have to apply to the court, his legal counsel Rishikesh Kumar said. Kumar said the Supreme Court can re-examine and alter the restrictions put in place in a case by the ED.

The case still remains an open mystery as the Delhi Police solve the case of exploding a firecracker near the residence of the chief minister.

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