Delhi minister Atishi on Tuesday made a sensational claim that after arresting Delhi chief minister Arvind Kejriwal, now the Enforcement Directorate will arrest her, Saurabh Bharadwaj, Durgesh Pathak and Raghav Chadha. “I have been told that soon there will be ED raids at our residence and then we will be taken into custody. The BJP is now targeting the next line of the leaders of the Aam Aadmi Party,” Atishi said.

“First Line of Leadership has already been arrested in which Arvind Kejriwal, Manish Sisodia, Sanjay Singh and Satyendra Jain are already in jail. After these four leaders, now there are preparations to arrest four more leaders – I am Saurabh Bhardwaj. Raghav Chaddha and Durgesh Pathak. After the rally in Raamleela Maidan, BJP has started feeling that putting TOP 4 in jail was not enough”, wrote Atishi on X as she posted a videoof live press conference today morning.

The Delhi minister added that the BJP expected the AAP to crumble after Arvind Kejriwal’s arrest but they got scared seeing the opposition parties coming together in the Ramlila Maidan on Sunday. “So now they want to target the next line of leadership,” Atishi said.

Atishi’s explosive claims came a day after the ED took the name of Atishi and Saurabh Bharadwaj in the court and said Arvind Kejriwal told the agency that Vijay Nair — a key exponent of the alleged liquor scam — reported to Atishi and Saurabh. Reacting to this, Atishi said this was not new information and ED was told this before also but ED telling it to the court now laid the ground for possible action against Atishi and Saurabh.

Arvind Kejriwal, the chief minister of Delhi and the national convenor of the Aam Aadmi Party (AAP), was remanded to judicial custody until April 15th on Monday. Later that evening, he was placed in Tihar Jail in the national capital. During the hearing, the Enforcement Directorate informed the Rouse Avenue Court that Kejriwal had implicated his party colleagues Atishi and Saurabh in the excise policy scam case.

Kejriwal claimed that one of the accused in the case, Vijay Nair, who was also the former communication-in-charge of AAP, used to report to Atishi.

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