Fog disrupted railway services in Delhi on Sunday morning, and more than forty trains arrived late due to the thick fog. The KIR-ASR Express, Lichchavi Express, Gorkhdham Express, Purushottam Express, Mahabodhi Express, Malwa Express, and Dakshin Express were delayed by a minimum of three hours, states the Indian Railways. The same was the case on Saturday morning when 47 trains were affected because of low visibility that had been occasioned by Fog.

Such a haze has become a usual phenomenon for Delhi as well as the National Capital Region (NCR) and has a negative effect on rail, air, and road transportation. Those who wake up early in the region have been forced to lament reduced visibility, which has caused traffic chaos and congestion. The India Meteorological Department (IMD) recorded a temperature of 11.2°C at 5:’They leave at 30 am on Saturday’ this suggests that the weather during fog was cold.

Adding to the transportation headaches, Delhi’s air quality, which had shown some marginal gains in the past two days, deteriorated once again on Sunday morning. The National Air Quality Index, as per an app, remained in the ‘very poor’ category for the AQI, which was 335, according to availability at 7 am for the day.

The AQI on Saturday at the same time was 248, which falls under the ‘poor’ index. The AQI scale defines levels as follows: Most common was the ‘good’ scoring range of 0-50, followed by the ‘satisfactory’ scoring range of 51-100; 101-200 was considered ‘moderate’; ‘poor was the scoring range of 201-300, ‘very poor’ was the range of 301-400 and a ‘severe’ score was between 401- 500.

Recall that people in Delhi still experience some troubles with their daily activities because of the polluted air and frequent fog. Local and central governments are calling for people to use UL B2, most especially in the early morning because the signals show that unfavorable weather is still around.

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