New Delhi: Due to special weather-related conditions like rain, thunder and gusty winds, several airline flights departed from Delhi were redirected to Jaipur between 10:00 AM to 10:15 AM on Monday. These weather factors, the authority of the airport said, led to the diversions of some flights, even as some experienced delays.

Effect on Delhi Traffic

This caused localized water logging that led to traffic snarl along Rohtak Road, Chaudhary Fateh Singh Marg and other regions in the city. Hence the Delhi Traffic Police provided alerts to all the commuters of the possible obstacles they were likely to encounter.

The India Meteorological Department (IMD) in Delhi and the National Capital Region reported light to moderate rain accompanied by thunderclouds. Palam recorded 31. 8 mm of rainfall; Ridge received 37.2 mm, and Pusa recorded 35 mm from 8:30 am to 11:30 am. However, Safdarjung, a recognized weather station for Delhi – received merely 2.7 mm during this period.

Weather Forecast

An IMD official informed that while some places in Delhi recorded up to 11:30 am showers still there are chances of showers later in the day. Though the cloud cover may dissipate, the relative humidity will remain high. The coldest station to have witnessed this year’s chill in Delhi was 29°C, two degrees above the average. Concerning the temperature, it was expected to reach a maximum of 34 degrees Celsius in the day.

The dampness and changing temperature of the air, alongside the inconsistency in rainfall, proved that the monsoon in the city during this time of the year is unpredictable. The public was encouraged to keep abreast with weather bulletins and be prepared to have their daily routine inconvenienced, given the continuity of the rainfall and subsequent effects due to the foregoing weather conditions.

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