Senior Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) leader and Union Home Minister Amit Shah released the third and final segment of BJP’s manifesto for the upcoming Delhi Assembly elections on Saturday. It is a long-drawn promise on a wide array of things, including giving complete ownership rights to the residents of unauthorized colonies, creating a welfare board for gig workers, 50,000 government jobs and 20 lakh self-employment opportunities, 13,000 e-buses, Yamuna riverfront to be made within 3 years like Sabarmati riverfront. According to Shah, the BJP will continue on all welfare schemes running in the Delhi government.
At a press conference, Shah accused the ruling Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) of spreading false information to sway voters. A serious lie prevalent in Delhi is that if the BJP comes to power, it will curtail free welfare schemes. Staff at my residence even told me they were getting calls saying this. He stated categorically that when the BJP forms the government, all welfare schemes will continue, he said. Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal, who was GFP chief and then the leader of Aam Aadmi Party, should stop what he described as a ‘politics of lies’: Shah.
BJP on rails, the manifesto includes 200 free units of electricity, 20,000 free liters of water, and free bus rides for women. Union minister Harsh Malhotra said that these schemes, which had played a role in AAP’s previous electoral success, would be retained.
AAP unveiled a new welfare-focused agenda to rival Labor’s agenda. The key initiatives listed include ‘Mahila Samman Yojana,’ which provides a monthly allowance of ₹2,100 to women; ‘Sanjeevani Yojana,’ free premium healthcare to senior citizens; ‘Pujari-Granthi Samman Yojana,’ with a monthly stipend of ₹18,000 for Hindu and Sikh priests; free bus rides for male students; and 50 percent Metro fare discounts for Both parties promise voters and seek to win over them.
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