New Delhi: The Supreme Court on Thursday (December 5) allowed the Commission for Air Quality Management(CAQM) to reduce the Graded Response Action Plan (GRAP) Stage-IV restrictions in Dehli to GRAP-Stage II in view of the betterment in the Air Quality Index(AQI) after 52 days.
Delhi’s air quality improved today with the AQI settling in the ‘moderate’ category at 161 after the city faced persistent air pollution in last one month. The Court advised the CAQM to also consider adding certain measures under GRAP-Stage III. If the AQI crosses 350, GRAP-III should be imposed and if it crosses 400, GRAP-IV must be imposed, the Court said.
Stubble burning in Punjab and Haryana is among the main reasons for air pollution in Delhi-NCR and several steps are being taken to encourage farmers to use paddy residue for animal feed and industrial purposes, a top Union environment ministry official told parliamentarians on Wednesday.
Additional Solicitor General of India Aishwarya Bhati submitted that as per the latest AQI figures, GRAP measures can be relaxed. “There is a clear downward trend (in the AQI) but it is thanks to the meteorological conditions. As of yesterday’s reading, we are out of the GRAP.” ASG submitted. She said that GRAP-4 measures are “very disruptive” for normal life. ASG submitted that even GRAP-1 need not be imposed given the present situation.
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