New Delhi: Aam Admi Party national convener Arvind Kejriwal made a big announcement on Sunday saying he will step down from the post of Delhi Chief Minister on Tuesday. The annoucement came two days after Kejriwal walked out of Tihar Jail after securing bail following a jail term of six months. 

“… I am going to resign from the CM position after two days. I will not sit on the CM chair until the people give their verdict,” he said during his first address after being released from jail. 

He also demanded that the elections be held in November 2024 instead of February 2025. He claimed the BJP wanted to break the party and form its government. He said they also wanted to destroy his morale but failed.

“They wanted to break the party, break Kejriwal’s courage and morale… they have made a formula– break parties, break MLAs, send leaders to jail. They thought they would form a government in Delhi by sending Kejriwal to jail…But they couldn’t break our party… they couldn’t even break away from the party workers,” he said.

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