Delhi chief minister Arvind Kejriwal has issued his first order since being arrested in the liquor policy case last week. On Thursday night, he became the first incumbent chief minister to be arrested. Meanwhile, the BJP has intensified its attack against Arvind Kejriwal’s wife Sunita Kejriwal.

“He (Kejriwal) has issued his first direction from ED custody. The directions pertain to the city government’s Water department. Water Minister Atishi will announce the directions later in the day,” AAP sources told.

Meanwhile, protest can be seen against his arrest throughout the state. AAP tweeted a video wherein women were seen protesting against his arrest.

The Bharatiya Janata Party has been demanding that Arvind Kejriwal relinquish the chief ministerial post. However, the AAP has maintained that he will run the government from jail.

BJP MP Manoj Tiwari, in a sharp attack on Kejriwal’s jail plans, said on Saturday that gangs run from jail, not governments.

On Sunday, Tiwari continued his attacks against Kejriwal. He also opened a new front against his wife Sunita Kejriwal, who had delivered the chief minister’s message to Delhi on Saturday.

“Sunita Kejriwal gave an interview yesterday by sitting on the CM’s chair, she too didn’t feel any shame…There is a discussion going on in the country that ED and CBI are doing good work. A few people – the corrupt – also badmouth him. Before 2014, ED and CBI didn’t work like this. Because before 2014, the Congress government didn’t give that power to the agencies as they had to protect corruption across the party…After 2014, the government has changed. Narendra Modi has set a new record. Be it any agency, they have been given a free hand,” he further added.

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