New Delhi: Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal has announced to give bonus to government employees on Diwali. Group B and C category employees of Delhi government will be given a bonus of Rs 7 thousand each.

“All the employees of Delhi government are my family. In this festive month, we are giving a bonus of Rs. 7000 to Group B and Group C employees of Delhi government. Happy Diwali in advance to all the employees and their families”, wrote CM Kejriwal as he posted the announcement with a video on social platform X.

Kejriwal said that more than 80 thousand government employees will benefit from this. While giving Diwali gift to everyone, he said that these employees have an important contribution in the development of Delhi. Announcing the bonus in a digital press conference, the Chief Minister said advance Diwali greetings to everyone. All the employees working in Delhi government are our family. In the last eight years, Delhi government employees have played an important role in all the wonderful work that has been done in Delhi in the fields of education, health, infrastructure, public services and other areas.

Kejriwal said that we will give this bonus on Diwali to all Group B (non-gazetted) and Group C employees of Delhi government. It will cost Rs 56 crore to give bonus. As a government, we have always tried to improve the lives of our employees.

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