Amid accusations by the Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) concerning the deaths due to cold weather, the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) is under scrutiny. AAP has reversed allegations, stating that the BJP had previously made similar claims a few months ago. However, it has come to light that the Delhi Police’s Jeevanet website had categorized deaths from unknown bodies and road accidents as cold-related fatalities. This revelation suggests that the cold may have been incorrectly attributed to numerous deaths from road accidents and unidentified bodies across the country. According to AAP, if the Center is accountable for these deaths based on the statistics of road accidents and unknown bodies, then the BJP should demand an immediate resignation from Prime Minister Narendra Modi.

The party argues that BJP previously failed to present post-mortem reports for the deaths attributed to cold by the Jeevanet website’s figures. These allegations rely solely on website statistics, where, irrespective of the season, death tolls from accidents appear nearly equal every month.

It is deplorable that the BJP is leveraging unidentified bodies’ disrespect for a news narrative. According to the party, despite this, Urban Development Minister Saurabh Bhardwaj has issued written directives to his department for the prompt arrangement of rain shelters wherever necessary.

This development underscores the importance of accurate reporting and responsible communication, especially when dealing with sensitive issues like human fatalities. The discrepancy in attributing deaths to cold weather necessitates a thorough investigation and reevaluation of statistics to avoid misinformation and ensure accountability. The political discourse surrounding these allegations adds complexity to the situation, emphasizing the need for transparency and fact-checking in public statements. As the parties engage in a blame game, it remains crucial to prioritize the well-being of the citizens and address the challenges posed by adverse weather conditions effectively.

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