Within 24 hours of leading the BJP to a shocking victory in the 2024 assembly polls, Haryana Chief Minister Nayab Singh Saini called on Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Wednesday. Out of ninety Assembly seats, BJP was able to clinch a clear, simple majority by clinching 48 of them, contrary to pollsters’ opinions that favored the congress party.

Even though they had aimed more at a friendly visit, the insiders opined that substantial issues discussed include the formation government in Haryana. This meeting was a precursor to the government formation process, and it revealed that a BJP official did not want to be named. He pointed out that while the BJP legislative group and the party’s high command will directly choose the new leader out of the elected legislature, Saini stands tall and appears the most likely candidate to be appointed as he was instrumental to the party’s campaign.

After the elections, Saini said he had done his work and that the BJP parliamentary board would decide on its candidate. He went further to point out that the board’s decisions would have to be accorded by everybody. Saini attributed the party’s victory to the successful policies and schemes, which he said have given Prime Minister Modi a boost in the last ten years and have benefited the poor, farmers, youths, and women.

The Chief Minister also used the occasion to vent his anger at the Congress party, which expressed apprehensions about hacking electronic voting machines (EVMs). He pointed out that earlier, many Congress relied on polls and felt they would win, but Modi and BJP, especially over the last ten years, have laid the groundwork, and hence, the electorates shifted their way.

As for the outcome of the elections, Modi, in his speeches immediately after the tally, credited the BJP’s wonderful performance to good governance besides claiming that he enjoyed support from all the communities.

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