Raipur: To mark the celebration of the World Environment Day, the Chief Minister of the Newly formed Bijapur district, Vishnu Dev Sai, and his family members, including his wife Kaushalya Sai, planted chikoo, neem, and rudraksha saplings in front of their new residential house. The occasion was filled with a special call from the Chief Minister to the people of the state to plant trees at their residence place and they should be responsible for the maintenance and growth of those trees.

Talking about the need for tree plantation, particularly given the forthcoming monsoon, Sai said that its effects could be seen in the state in the next one month. He urged everyone to go out and plant as many trees as they can to make the homes, areas around the home, villages, cities and the forestry department green. He focused on the state government’s constant endeavor towards environmental conservation, again emphasizing that such initiatives require the involvement of all stakeholders.

Chief Minister Sai noted further that planting trees is not an event that is done once and forgotten but a cause that requires efforts to be made continuously. He appealed for the support of people on a need to preserve the plant growing into healthy mature plants on World Environment Day. In this way, people can improve their activities and help the environment or reduce the impact of climate change or other negative impacts on the environment.

The environs of the calorically profligate Chief Minister’s residence were abuzz with top officials and employees of the departments concerned taking part in the plantation drive. Others present during the event were Loknath Patel – the Director of Fisheries Operation, and V.N. Mukherjee – the Sub-Divisional Officer, amongst other officers and employees from the CM’s residence. They stressed that the administration is serious about taking environmentally sustainable actions and encouraged the public to follow the same example.

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