A truck containing hides of cows and other animals was seized near Kumhari Toll Plaza by the police in a joint police force of Kumhari police station and traffic police department. While two persons who were accompanying the truck escaped, the police arrested the driver of the truck and an additional person. The vehicle involved in the accident is a Maharashtra passing truck with the registration number MH 49 and is at the moment being investigated.

As per the news, it was a truck that came from Maharashtra and was found suspiciously moving by members of a Hindu Organization. Those activists had been chasing the truck from Rajnandgaon city, assuming something unlawful was going on. Based on the information, the police have tightened up a checkpoint near the Kumhari Toll Plaza and thus managed to halt the truck. With this, the police worked in close harmony with the activists to contain the vehicle as it could not move further.

However, two involved in the operation escaped onboard the vehicle as they were driving the truck before the vehicle could be stopped. The driver of the van and one accomplice were arrested on the spot, and the police are grilling them to reveal more names of those involved the source of the hides, and its intended market.

Measures taken in this case have also focused on issues associated with prohibited means of transport and any other unlawful business in the transport of animal hides. Police are concentrating on tracking the other members of this group and analyzing whether there were any legal infringements of wildlife and animal protection legislation.

So, such cases emphasize the need for monitoring on the highways and between states to prevent such social vices. The Kumhari police have stepped up their operations to arrest the fleeing suspects while also vowing to have all such criminals get the law’s wrath that they deserve. On the other hand, the seized truck, together with the confiscated items, are detained for investigation purposes.

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