According to authorities, at least three Naxalites were killed in an encounter with security forces in Chhattisgarh’s Bijapur district on Sunday. As a combined team of security personnel carried out an anti-Naxalite operation, a shooting broke out in the morning within the forest region of the Indravati National Park, according to Sundarraj P, Inspector General of Police, Bastar Range.

According to him, the operation featured members of the District Force, Special Task Force, and District Reserve Guard (DRG). According to an official, once the intermittent fire ceased, officials found three Naxalites’ bodies, covered in “uniform,” as well as explosives and guns, including automatic rifles, near the scene.

12 Naxalites killed in 2025

Five Naxalites, including two women, were killed during a three-day anti-Naxal operation in the Abujhmad area, which includes the districts of Narayanpur, Dantewada, and Bijapur. On January 6, this operation came to an end. Three Naxalites killed in a clash with security forces in the Sukma area on January 9.

Additionally, on January 3, in the Raipur division’s Gariaband area, a Naxalite was killed in a clash with security forces. Security forces killed 219 Naxalites in different clashes around the state last year.

Around 2:15 p.m. on January 6, Naxals used a 60–70 kg IED to blow up a vehicle in Ambeli village, which is under the jurisdiction of the Kutru police station, in the most severe attack on security forces in Chhattisgarh in two years. Eight security officers, four from each of the state police units Bastar Fighters and District Reserve Guard (DRG), who were in the SUV with the driver were killed on the spot, located around 70 km from the Bijapur district headquarters, the official said.

When DRG officers from the Dantewada district were returning in their Scorpio vehicle following an anti-Naxalite operation, the explosive device exploded, according to Inspector General of Police (Bastar Range) Sundarraj P.

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