Jagdalpur: Threats loom over Yogendra Pandey, the District Vice President of the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), as he reportedly received a warning from Naxalites through a letter urging him to leave the party or face fatal consequences. This is not the first time Yogendra Pandey has faced such a dire threat to his life, as previous instances of similar warnings have been directed towards him.

In response to recurrent threats, security measures were implemented for Yogendra Pandey between 2003 and 2018. However, after a change in power dynamics in 2018, following the political shift, the security detail for the BJP leader was rescinded. The recent incident involves a letter received by post instructing Yogendra Pandey to resign from the Bharatiya Janata Party. In the event of not leaving the party, the letter poses a grave threat to his life.

Yogendra Pandey currently serves as a councilor from the Ramaiya ward and is also the BJP in-charge for the Darbha Mandal. In light of the threatening letter, he promptly informed the Inspector General (IG) and Superintendent of Police (SP) about the situation. Additionally, he has requested police protection to ensure his safety. Notably, Yogendra Pandey has multifaceted responsibilities within the BJP, making the threats particularly concerning for his political and personal life.

The District Superintendent of Police (DSP) in Jagdalpur, Apoorva Singh, has confirmed an investigation of the matter. The police are diligently looking into the case to ascertain the authenticity of the threat and identify the source behind the ominous letter. Given the sensitive nature of the situation, authorities are taking necessary steps to ensure the safety and well-being of Yogendra Pandey, considering his prominent role in local politics.

As the investigation unfolds, it remains to be seen how the authorities will address the security concerns surrounding Yogendra Pandey and what measures will be taken to mitigate the potential risks associated with the threats issued by Naxalites.

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