Raipur: After discussion, the state assembly passed the second supplementary budget of the current financial year. Members of the main opposition BJP were absent during the discussion on the supplementary budget. Responding to the discussion, Chief Minister Bhupesh Baghel attacked the central government and the BJP fiercely. He Said that the BJP is in the state of facing a leadership crisis. He said that in the Constitution, India has been called a federal government, but these people have formed a federal government. 

During the supplementary budget, the BJP raised the issue of loss of paddy in procurement centres due to delay in the lifting of paddy last year and loss caused by selling paddy in the open market. The BJP objected to the statement of Food Minister Amarjit Bhagat on the question of Dr Raman Singh. BSP MLA Keshav Chandra made a scathing attack on the ruling party during the discussion. 

The Cigarettes and Other Tobacco Products (Prohibition of Advertising and Regulation of Trade and Commerce, Production, Supply and Distribution) Amendment Bill was also passed in the Assembly today. In this, the government has made a provision to ban hookah bars. The government has intensified action against hookah bars. This action was stayed by the Bilaspur High Court due to lack of law. After the Governor’s signature on the bill, it will become law. After that hookah bars will become completely illegal in the state.

The assembly has approved the Indira Gandhi University of Arts and Music. In this, a provision has been made to increase the maximum age limit of the Vice-Chancellor up to 70 years. At the same time, the State Backward Classes Commission Amendment Bill was also passed. Through this, the government has created the post of vice-chairman in the commission. The Goods and Services Tax Amendment Bill was also passed in the Assembly on Wednesday.