BASTAR: Atleast 11 CRPF Jawans are said to have been injured in a deadly rain storm that hit their camp in Bastar district in Chhattisgarh on Friday (May 19) afternoon. A damage of Rs 30 lakh is being estimated currently.

The camp of 241st battalion, located at Sedva village under Dharbha police station limits, some 336 kilometres from state capital Raipur suffered damages as the storm impacted.

“Eleven CRPF jawans were injured in the incident. The residential quarters of jawans were damaged as the storm blew away tin sheets that formed the roof, power lines, iron frames and false ceilings,” IG Bastar Sundar Raj said. “

According to officials the wind speed was so high that tin sheets were scattered across the camp and several trees were uprooted. The injured jawans were admitted in the battalion hospital and are out of danger.