Chattisgarh : Chattisgarh’s flagship scheme Godan Nyay Yojana would be the theme of the states tableau for the upcoming Republic day.A theme patent by CG under which authorities at the state level purchase cow dung from farmers, providing them additonal source of income. Nearly, 7,000 Gauthans are established that procure cow dung at Rs 2 per kg.

Briefing the reporters about the states tableau, Umesh Mishra, Additional Director, Director of Public Relations Chattisgarh highlighted the benefits earned by the SHG Women.The tableau would give alternatives for solutions to several global concerns at the same time by combining traditional knowledge and a scientific approach to the exploitation of rural resources. Water management methods being created in the state, increased output, and a happy farmer will be shown in fresco style in the tableau.

Women from self-help groups manufacturing dung products and vermi compost from cow dung will also be shown in the tableau in the same sequence. Rural women will be shown in the forefront of the tableau gathering cow dung and transporting it to Gauthan collection centers for sale. Gauthans will be depicted as Rural Industrial Parks in the back of the tableau. It will demonstrate how women are building their own business, running small industries in villages with the help of new technologies and machines.

The tableau will portray how goals of environmental protection, organic farming, nutrition, employment and income enhancement are being achieved by keeping the cow at the center of the rural economy.While the celebrations in the state are also on full scale, a list of police officila has been released who willl be conferred with awards.

All districts have made the necessary arrangements for the low key celebrations of the 73rd Republic day on Wednesday.