Chhattisgarh :The number of corona-infected patients has risen in the Durg district. The administration and health department are concerned after recording 13 corona positives in a single day after testing 1479 suspects.

The district recorded a rise in the positive patients after 62 days. On August 19th, 10 Covid positive patients in the district were confirmed. Since then, number of new patients has decreased. The festive season is cited responsible for the striking surge. Sources claim heavy violation of COVID behavior during Navratri and Dussehra impacted the COVID curve.

According to the medical bulletin, the number of active patients has grown to 43 from 34 previously. State health authorities have sounded an alarm over the sudden surge and warned against the predicted third wave.

As per the current statistics, 206 active have been reported the state after a long hiatus. In the past 24 hours, the state recorded a rise by 21 cases overall. So far, 9,91,995 recuperations have been recorded in the state. While 13,572 succumbed to the novel virus.