Raipur: The Janata Congress expelled its senior party leader Dharmajit Singh from the party triggering an upheaval in the regional party headed by the first CM of the state Ajit Jogi.

“I fear a threat to my life. There could be an attempt on my life, Dharamjit Singh, a former deputy speaker of the assembly, told reporters a day after JCC (J) president Mrs. Renu Jogi and state party chief Amit Jogi met the assembly speaker and submitted a letter informing him he was removed as the leader of the three-member JCC (3) legislature party.

Singh jibed at the party for the expulsion and claimed that he was dismissed because the party wanted to hide their wrongdoings and keep their positions unhurt and intact. He further stated that the allegation levelled against him were baseless.

The JCC leader on the expulsion of the Dharmajit claimed that Singh was working against the interest of the SC/ST and other backward castes. It further suspected that he was hobnobbing with BJP ahead of the next assembly elections.

Singh, a four-time MLA has been into politics longer than Amit Jogi. Responding to speculations of joining the opposition he revealed sharing a cordial relationship with the saffron party president and former CM Raman Singh. He, however, hinted that he would join the Bharatiya Janata Party if it trod likewise.